Spirituality in Psychotherapy

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Course Launch Date: stay tuned


Course Launch Date: stay tuned 〰️



(sent to your inbox weekly)

Four video courses, accompanying workbooks, four guided virtual meetings,

a private zoom group to share and connect, and a selection of bonus materials.

Spirituality in Psychotherapy

How do spiritual issues manifest in psychotherapy?

Why might therapists benefit from exploring personal cosmologies and spiritual bias, and how does this relate to cultural sensitivity? Can therapists effectively support clients who are experiencing spiritual emergence, emergencies, and related mental health issues?

In this 4 week course:

We’ll explore the diverse facets of spiritual life and innate spiritual dynamics that underly psychotherapeutic processes, challenges, and breakthroughs.


Therapists often express a desire and hesitation to welcome spirituality into psychotherapy. This uncertainty is often due to the limited exposure to contemporary research on psychospiritual issues within the context of clinical training. Relatively recent historical factors have guided the field of psychology to view therapy as a mostly secular, atheist, or agnostic space. What often comes as a surprise is that therapists hold specific skillsets that make them uniquely suited to engage in ethical, sensitive, and values-enhancing psychospiritual care. Approaching these issues with cultural humility and a willingness to welcome diverse spiritual worldviews can often help therapists and clients engage more meaningfully in healing work.

As organized religion and new-age (and old-age) practices evolve over time, the definition of spirituality has become increasingly broad. Historically, spirituality was associated with organized religion, and it has also been described as including but transcending religious practice. Spirituality today may look like traditional religious rites and rituals, such as visiting a church or temple. For some, spirituality may also include practices such as yoga, meditation, tarot, astrology, herbalism, and a connection with nature. Spiritual pathways contain diverse cosmologies, some of which can deepen the therapeutic process in a culturally appreciative rather than appropriative way. Mindfulness and buddhism-informed principles have become central to 3rd wave therapies including some CBTs, ACT, and DBT, which are gold standard treatments for common mental health experiences such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Spiritual development can catalyze or co-occur with mental illness. Clients need therapists who can effectively explore spiritual experiences, beliefs, practices, and processes that commonly interact with therapy goals. To do this, therapists must first explore their implicit belief systems or world views. Engaging in spiritual competence training can enhance clinical care by: (1) fine-tuning assessment and differential diagnosis in ways that honor complex cultural experiences; this addresses the tendency for therapists to be somewhat pollyannaish or to pathologize certain spiritual perspectives and phenomena, (2) optimizing spiritual factors in evidence-based treatment (e.g. exploring values-consistent, and non-life affirming, spiritual beliefs and practices; welcoming spiritually-supportive languaging, metaphors, and skillsets), and lastly (3) by entering the spiritual world of our client, we can more intimately understand how they make sense of life, how they process normative or harrowing life experiences (or not), and how they nourish their sense of meaning, agency, and community (or not). This experience has the potential to deepen the therapeutic relationship, which research has shown is the primary mechanism in positive therapy outcomes across treatment modalities.

In the multi-crisis reality we face today, most therapists and clients are grappling with the ongoing legacies of sexism, racism, classism, able-ism, homophobia, xenophobia, and so on. These issues are amplified by the pressing context of ecological destruction, political polarization, and growing social inequity - all of which fuel the mental health crisis. Despite the chaos, we can still (and arguably must) foster the innate human capacity for developing a spiritual core, an intrinsic values system that fundamentally seeks interconnection and common humanity, and builds bridges between different worlds. Perhaps it is from this emergent space that we can collectively re-imagine and co-create, a truly sustainable mental health.

Topics in this 4-part journey:

  1. What does cross-cultural research reveal about spiritual life and mental health?

  2. Why does spirituality naturally manifest in therapy as issues, barriers, and strengths? Does therapist spirituality matter?

  3. How can we integrate clients’ spiritual beliefs, experiences, practices, and processes into therapy in culturally-sensitive ways?




or 4 monthly payments of $99

Basic Rate

For those who are employed and/or have financial means to support basic needs (such as food, housing and healthcare). This payment tier supports general costs associated with creating course content, including time and equipment needed to research, write, film, produce, and deliver this training. This allows me to continue offering this course while covering basic costs.

Materials included:

  1. Recorded video content released weekly

  2. Live virtual group meetings (4)

  3. Downloadable pdf guides

  4. Downloadable pdf worksheets

  5. Online community (optional)

  6. Ongoing access to course and updates to content and materials


or 4 monthly payments of $199


For those who are financially able to support those who are passionate about this work but experiencing financial hardship. This payment tier greatly increases access for mental health trainees and professionals who have experienced historic barriers to education and resources. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for supporting our need-based scholarship program. This tier also allows me to set aside time to develop and improve specialized trainings at the intersection of spirituality, psychology, and mental health activism.

Materials included:

  1. Recorded video content released weekly

  2. Live virtual group meetings (4)

  3. Downloadable pdf guides

  4. Downloadable pdf worksheets

  5. Online community (optional)

  6. Ongoing access to course updates

  7. Bonus: 3 one-on-one coaching sessions to discuss content tailored to specific interest areas for your research and clinical practice.


Need-based scholarship

For anyone experiencing financial need and who does not benefit from institutional support and social privilege due to multiple aspects of identity (multiple of the following describe you: being a person of color, queer, trans, female, disabled, neurodivergent, immigrant, undocumented or refugee).

Materials included:

  1. Recorded video content released weekly

  2. Live virtual group meetings (4)

  3. Downloadable pdf guides

  4. Downloadable pdf worksheets

  5. Online community (optional)


+ Who is this course best suited for?

Therapists, mental health professionals, and coaches. Folks working outside these fields who are interested in spiritual multicultural competence in healing work, are also welcome!

Those interested or experienced in integrative psychotherapy will particularly benefit from this course. Spiritual issues will be reviewed in the context of trauma, depression, anxiety, severe mental illness, and general life transitions. Topics will be contextualized through an integrative approach to evidence based therapies such as CBT, DBT, ACT, and family systems.

+ How is the training paced?

Live recorded videos are released once a week from the week that you register for the course (once the course is launched). This allows you to watch the videos at a comfortable pace over four weeks (basic and benefactor tiers have ongoing access afterwards). You can use the downloadable pdf guides to support integration of essential concepts and practices. The pdf worksheets offer reflective prompts that deepen personal learning.

+ How do I select a payment tier?

The payment tiers were created to support a community of learners. It simply operates on an honesty policy, where each person is expected to pay at the level that is truly accessible to them. Supporting the benefactor tier promotes equity and inclusion in mental health training, and brings greater diversity of voices and perspective to the learning community.

+ Is there a scholarship program?

Yes, though availability is based on the generosity of those who are able to pay at the benefactor tier. At course launch, the number of scholarship spots will be confirmed on the newsletter and offered on a need-basis. Please contact me if you are interested in receiving this scholarship and let me know how this scholarship can support you and your work in the world!

+ Is there live moderation?

Yes! I moderate all the questions and comments in the online setting. I also facilitate the 4 virtual group meetings.

+ I can't attend all of the virtual groups, will I miss out?

In order to support group intimacy and privacy, these sessions are not recorded. Group participation is optional, but deeply encouraged. This space allows you to connect with friends on the journey of learning, and provides access to a community of forward thinking mental health professionals. In my experience, learning and transformation happens best in a safe and welcoming community.

+ What if the program isn't for me?

No worries! If Spirituality in Psychotherapy does not meet your educational goals, email me within one week of purchase and your tuition will be refunded.

+ How can I support this work?

We welcome donations - every dollar supports bringing this type of training to life and to more mental health professionals. Thank you for valuing and uplifiting this work!